
How we work

Our thorough design process enables us to guide you through every stage of creating your ultimate workspace – from initial briefings and design concepts to build, fit-out and post-installation support.

We listen. We interpret. We deliver.

Our objective is to establish long-term client relationships and to become a trusted advisor for office design and fit-out. By understanding your company’s requirements and those of your staff, we can guide you through the design process, maximise your office’s potential and avoid any costly mistakes. The result is a flexible workspace that you can be proud of, and that your staff will be happy working in.

Our design process typically involves the following format.


Identify project brief with key personnel

If appropriate interview key staff for information and opinions

Requirements are established and design brief formulated

Establish an outline project budget to ensure any proposed designs are within budget


Building Survey

Preparation of initial designs to include alternative options where appropriate

Preliminary consultation for Building Regulations approval and Landlord ‘Licence to Alter’

Modification and additions to building services outlined

Office furniture proposals

Finishes proposal

Preliminary cost report

Contract award (preliminary)

CDM / health and safety considerations

Supply visuals of key design concepts


More in-depth detailed building survey to include building services

Modify initial designs to accommodate client comments / requests

Revised visuals – detailed design drawings

Mechanical and electrical design drawings

Mood boards of finishes proposed

Visits to furniture showrooms – mock-ups where required

Finalise finishes and materials

Landlord approvals submitted

Build programme showing key stages

Update cost plan


Design freeze – this does not mean changes cannot be made, but changes after this time may impact on project delivery or cost

Sign off design drawings

Working drawings for key areas prepared and approved

Mechanical and electrical drawings signed off

Apply for Building Regulations approval

Finishes approved

Furniture ordered where applicable

Final application for Licence to Alter submitted to Landlord

Cost plan finalised

CDM / health and safety documentation


Site established

Long lead-time items ordered

Initial project meeting

Payment stages identified

Contractor meeting to identify key project milestones

Regular client meetings throughout project

Meetings minutes noted and distributed

Practical completion

Client walk round inspection

Snagging identified and corrected where necessary


Staff training where necessary

Operating and maintenance manuals provided

Includes as-built drawings, test certification and product manuals

CDM file provided

Finishes schedule

Client review

Six-monthly check-ups

Provision of maintenance agreement, if applicable

Client feedback – your feedback on our performance will help us to ensure we provide our clients with continuous high levels of service